Colorado Wild Plants and Fungi
by DaySounds © 2013-17
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
It contains B vitamins (B1, B2, & B6)--which help reduce stress and fight depression, vitamin C,
vitamin A--which helps fighting cancer and infections, and vitamins E and K. The leaves and stem
are about 14% protein, and it is a good source of iron. It is diuretic. The leaves are used to increase
appetite and help with digestion. It has antioxidant properties. It helps to improve the immune
system, kidney function, and detoxify the liver and gallbladder. It improves high blood pressure. It
lowers cholesterol and helps to stabilize sugar levels. It helps with the prevention of strokes.
It reduces inflammations and is effective in promoting weight loss. The roots are used to make
The flower head stalks/peduncles/"stems" are hollow and exude milky sap when
broken. There is only one flower head per "stem" (each plant usually has more than one "stem").
The bracts are double rowed, with the outer row folding down and outwards; the inner row folds
down when the seeds mature. It has basal leaves, which are deeply lobed, almost reaching the midrib.
© DaySounds
PO Box 2145
Estes Park, CO 80517