Colorado Wild Plants and Fungi
by DaySounds © 2013-14
Gambel Oak (Quercus gambelii)
It can be eaten raw--after getting rid of the shell (in small quantities), or it can
be boiled or roasted. When food is scarce, shelled acorns can be pounded, and
the resulting flour can be used like wheat or corn flour. Many people in different
parts of the world today use oak tree acorns in their stews, and roasted as snacks.
The plant reproduces by acorns and also spreads by its roots. The size of the acorns
is rather small (about 0.5 in. average), with their caps covering 1/3 to 1/2 of their
shells. When dried, the branches make excellent wood for camp fires, because its
coals generate abundant heat and they last long.
PO Box 746497
Arvada, CO 80006