Colorado Wild Plants and Fungi
by DaySounds © 2013-15
Shaggy Mane Inky Cap (Coprinus comatus)
In the picture, the originally white gills, which are very close to each other, are becoming
brown and black from the edge of the cap towards the stem (a few days later, the entire
mushroom--as well as all others around its original location--had become black ink over
the soil). The white, tall, straight stem had originally a thin black ring (some of the black
spores had fallen upon it), and its core was hollow. The cap, as shown in the picture, is
whitish, shaggy, and with scales. These are characteristics to look for in order to identify
this species.
It is an edible mushroom. Collect them before the gills become dark. Unless you are
completely sure that you are handling this specific inky cap species, avoid drinking any
alcohol with them, or avoid eating them altogether.
PO Box 746497
Arvada, CO 80006